IHBC Yearbook 2024

12 YEARBOOK 2024 CODE OF CONDUCT The object of the code of conduct is to promote those standards of conduct and self-discipline required of a member of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation in the interests of the public and the protection of the built heritage. The main object of the institute is the promotion, for the benefit of the public, of the conservation of, and education and training in, the conservation and preservation of buildings, structures, areas, gardens and landscapes which are of architectural and historical interest and/or value in the United Kingdom. This heritage, which is part of society’s common heritage and which should be available to everyone, is, however, a limited and irreplaceable resource. It is therefore the duty of all members to act for and to promote its protection. Subscription to the IHBC’s code of conduct for individuals involved in the conservation and preservation of the built heritage assumes acceptance of these responsibilities. Those who subscribe to it and carry out its provisions will thereby be identified as persons professing specific standards of competence, responsibility and ethical behaviour in the pursuit of historic environment conservation work. This code indicates the general standard of conduct to which members of the institute are expected to adhere, failing which its governing body may judge them guilty of conduct unbecoming to a member of the institute and may reprimand, suspend or expel them. For further information see ihbc.org.uk/resources/A4-Code-ofConduct.pdf. AREAS OF COMPETENCE COMPETENCES PROFESSIONAL 1. Philosophy 2. Practice PRACTICAL EVALUATION 3. History 4. Research, recording and analysis MANAGEMENT 5. Legislation and policy 6. Finance and economics INTERVENTION 7. Design and presentation 8. Technology AREAS OF COMPETENCE AND COMPETENCES FOR IHBC MEMBERS The IHBC’s ‘areas of competence’, and their underpinning ‘competences’ provide an outline of the skills, knowledge and experience needed to fulfil the requirements of accredited membership of the institute. Prospective members are advised to refer to the institute’s current guidance for applicants, Membership Standards, Criteria and Guidelines (2008) which is posted on our website’s membership pages – see ihbc.org.uk/join/apply/index.html The following provides a brief summary of the principal headings: PROFESSIONAL AREA OF COMPETENCE 1. Philosophy Knowledge and understanding of conservation theory and the social, cultural, political, aesthetic, economic and environmental values that underpin current conservation policy and practice 2. Practice Knowledge and understanding of conservation practice and making of informed and authoritative conservation judgements, including knowledge of its processes and protocols and the ability to interact effectively with all bodies and individuals who have a significant role to play in the field PRACTICAL AREA OF COMPETENCE: EVALUATION 3. History Knowledge and understanding of the development of the historic environment including the remains of previous periods and cultures, historic buildings and settlements, work of engineering, parks, gardens and other elements of the historic landscape 4. Research, recording and analysis Ability to carry out or commission research, recording and analysis of the historic environment, and to maintain records accordingly PRACTICAL AREA OF COMPETENCE: MANAGEMENT 5. Legislation and policy Knowledge and understanding of legislation and policy for the conservation of historic environments, their formulation locally and nationally, and awareness of other relevant legislation, policies and guidance 6. Finance and economics Knowledge and understanding of economic factors in applying heritage legislation and policy, including applications for statutory consents, and for procurement of conservation services for heritage-related projects, including financial and viability assessments, valuation, cost planning and contracts PRACTICAL AREA OF COMPETENCE: INTERVENTION 7. Design and presentation Ability to analyse and evaluate historic contexts and to secure appropriate designs in fabric, buildings, townscape and areas, existing and proposed, and to communicate results in ways accessible to professionals and communities 8. Technology Knowledge and understanding of building construction of all periods, the characteristics of structures, the nature and properties of building materials, and appropriate methods of repair and alteration of historic fabric.