IHBC Yearbook 2013

The Original Conservation 5RRÁLJKW® Exceeds Part-L with high spec, $UJRQ ÀOOHG ZDUP HGJHG JOD]LQJ Exceeds BS 6375 weather-tightness UHTXLUHPHQWV RQ DLU SHUPHDELOLW\ $YDLODEOH LQ EHVSRNH VL]HV WR PDWFK WKH QHHGV RI \RXU SURMHFW 6SHFLÀHG E\ 1DWLRQDO 7UXVW DQG (QJOLVK +HULWDJH 6OHHN EOLQG V\VWHP RIIHULQJ D GDUNHQLQJ RI WKH URRP .HHS XS WR GDWH ZLWK WKH 2ULJLQDO &RQVHUYDWLRQ 5RRÁLJKW®. Call us or visit the website and download our brochures. 7KH &RQVHUYDWLRQ 5RRÁLJKW® remains faithful to its Victorian heritage whilst embracing continual technical developments to stay ahead of Building Regulations. 01993 833108 ZZZ WKHURRÁLJKWFRPSDQ\ FR XN Hoffman Building, London ´, ZRXOG UHFRPPHQG WKH 5RRÁLJKW &RPSDQ\ WR DQ\ERG\ ZKR ZLVKHV WR HQKDQFH KLVWRULF EXLOGLQJV 7KH &RQVHUYDWLRQ 5RRÁLJKW® is an excellent product”.* *Taken from customer satisfaction survey September 2012 “The blinds are easy to install and work brilliantly. I have recommended to my friends and family – I am very impressed”.* *Taken from customer satisfaction survey November 2012.