IHBC Yearbook 2012

32 Malbrook C O N S E R V A T O R I E S !"#$%# &#"#!'()# *(+ $ ,+(-'.+# (+ /#%01) -()%."&$&0() 2$",+((3 -()%#+4$&(+0#% "020&#/ 5 -+#%-#)& %&$,"#% .!!#+ +0-'2()/ +($/ "()/() %678 5&) &#": "()/() 959 :;:9 8855 R -(&%6("/% 97<:= ;99=>: #-2$0": info@malbrook.co.uk www.malbrook.co.uk Individually handmade bricks for truly unique buildings TheYork Handmade Brick Co Ltd Forest Lane, Alne,YorkYO61 1TU Tel: 01347 838881 www.yorkhandmade.co.uk Handmade bricks, arches & specials manufactured for restoration and new build projects along with terracotta floor tiles & landscape products. For more information please call us on 01384 636365 or visit our website at www.stormwindows.co.uk !"#$%&'()*#+,&(,&"-.&/.0*()1& 23&,455/(.$&#6&7.,5#8.&,.9#)*0$:& 1/0;()1&6#$&-(,"#$(9&0)*&/(,".*&74(/*()1,< Storm’s unique system of slim-line secondary glazing is individually surveyed and has none of the usual wooden sub-frames. This bespoke approach enables us to manufacture a huge range of different shapes including out of square, Norman and Gothic Arches as well as cylindrical turrets and curved glass sashes. Our window systems are specified and used regularly by organisations such as the National Trust due to the superior quality of construction, discrete appearance and virtually perfect fit. !"#$%&'(()*(&+,&&-./-'/0-'-&&'01-2&&3456&' The Building Conservation Directory is now available online as a flipping-page book at BuildingConservation.com. Published annually by Cathedral Communications since 1993, the Directory is designed to help all the organisations and individuals who care for the historic environment in their work. The 2012 edition details hundreds of suppliers of specialist products and services and a wide range of articles by leading conservators. (It’s still also available in hard copy format from Cathedral.) 01747 871717 bcd@cathcomm.co.uk www.buildingconservation.com BUILDING CONSERVATION DIRECTORY now available free online Approved?