IHBC Yearbook 2010

2 Y e a r b o o k 2 0 1 0 What is the ihbc? The Institute of Historic Building Conservation is the principal body in the United Kingdom representing professionals and specialists involved in the conservation and preservation of the historic environment. Our members include conservation officers in central and local government, architects, architectural historians and researchers, planners, surveyors, structural engineers and other specialist consultants, including conservators, craftsmen and other practitioners. The institute’s objectives are to promote for the benefit of the public: • the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment in the United Kingdom • the highest standard of professional skills in this field • the education and training of professionals and specialists responsible for such work. Institute of Historic Building Conservation No 113 March 2010 Fire and historic buildings The benefits of membership include: • five issues of Context, the institute’s journal, annually • the annual IHBCYearbook • training and CPD opportunities including the IHBC Annual School • notices of job opportunities • heritage sector information • membership of an active regional branch network • technical support, including guidance and standards • access to national and regional built environment bodies • peer support in promoting resources and standards • web-based advice and discussion forums • consultation and involvement in national issues. The website, yearbook and five issues of Context keep members up to date, with regular features on topical issues, news briefings, book reviews and interviews. 2010 InstItute of HIstorIc BuIldIng conservatIon yearBook The home of the conservation professional