IHBC Yearbook 2023

REVIEW AND ANALYSIS 37 LIVING LEGENDS: CONSERVING OUR TREE HERITAGE IN A TIME OF CLIMATE CRISIS ADAM CORMACK THE HISTORIC environment is composed of buildings and their surroundings. This may include both the hard and soft townscape or landscape features of their surroundings, their gardens and, in urban settings, the spaces between buildings. Trees are a vital element of these spaces, just as they are in gardens, parks and natural landscapes. And often these trees are of historic interest in their own right, whether as part of a designed landscape setting that is of a particular age and importance, or because the trees themselves are of great age. Since the theme for this yearbook is climate change and the historic environment, it is particularly pertinent to highlight the importance of the role of trees in reducing heat in urban areas, in providing nesting sites and food sources for wildlife, in cleaning the air and absorbing carbon. In particular, ancient and veteran trees are internationally important heritage assets in their own right, as well as being living carbon sinks. This article will explore the idea that these ancient and veteran trees are an overlooked heritage asset in need of greater recognition and conservation. It will also look at wider protection and conservation of trees, both for their heritage value and as part of efforts to tackle climate change. An ancient tree is one that has passed beyond maturity and is old in comparison with other trees of the same species. It will probably have a very wide trunk relative to other trees of the same species and it is very likely that it will be hollow. Its canopy may be small. The UK’s oldest tree is the Fortingall Yew in Perthshire, estimated to be 2–3,000 years old. The term veteran may be applied to ancient trees and to mature trees that have developed some of the features Trees and foliage are not only vital to the character of city townscape, but they also reduce peak temperatures, store carbon and provide vital habitats for wildlife (Photo: Jonathan Taylor)