44 beyond classical tell-tales and linear variable displacement transducers for example. In contrast to traditional practice that conducts fabric evaluation and repairs at pre-determined frequencies (for example quinquennial surveys), model digital solutions like those discussed here afford continuous, real-time (or more exactly ‘right-time’) monitoring that can facilitate cost effective regimes. It is however of great importance to question how much data we need to collect and recognise that the management of data itself has a cost and be mindful that the ‘means do not become the ends’. All things considered, the automatic digital ‘flagging’ of repair and maintenance needs that trigger intervention at the ‘right time’ gets to the heart of good maintenance and reminds us of the aphorism ‘a stitch in time, saves nine’. The HDS projects have been disseminated widely and have led to the publication of an array of journal papers and technical reports. Somewhat timely, the most recent open access publication written by the team is the Historic Environment Scotland (HES) Technical Paper No 38 entitled Digital documentation, computer vision and machine learning for masonry surveying and maintenance. Recommended reading Bosché FN, Forster AM & Valero E, 3D Survey, Technologies & Applications: Point Clouds and Beyond, Heriot-Watt University, 2015, http://bc-url.com/3dsurvey Bosché FN, Forster AM & Valero E, Digital documentation, computer vision and machine learning for masonry surveying and maintenance, Technical Paper No 38, Historic Environment Scotland, 2022, http://bc-url.com/digi-doc Forster AM, Carter K, Banfill PFG & Kayan B, Green maintenance for historic masonry buildings: an emerging concept, Building Research and Information, 39(6), 656–664, 2011, http://bc-url.com/green-maintenance Forster AM & Douglas JE, Condition survey objectivity & philosophy driven masonry repair: An increased probability for project divergence? Structural Survey: Journal of Building Pathology & Refurbishment 28(5), 384–407, 2010, http://bc-url.com/condition-survey-objectivity Valero E, Bosché F, & Forster AM, Automatic Segmentation of 3D point clouds of rubble masonry walls, and its application to building surveying, repair and maintenance, Automation in Construction, 96, 29–39, 2018, http://bc-url.com/automatic-segment Valero E, Forster A, Bosché F, Hyslop E, Wilson L & Turmel A, Automated Defect Detection and Classification in Masonry Walls using Machine Learning, Automation in Construction, 106, 2019, http://bc-url.com/automated-defect Frédéric Bosché PhD is Senior Lecturer in Construction Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, and President of the International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction. Alan Forster PhD is Associate professor and programme leader for MSc in Building Conservation at Heriot-Watt University. Enrique Valero PhD is Research Associate in the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh. Premier provider of high-end specialist construction and restoration services Heritage Construction | Refurbishment | Restoration Conservation | Stone Masonry | New Builds Heritage Roofing | Joinery | Decorative Services Grade I & II Listed Buildings | Private | Public | Monuments Tel: 01245 326 721 USLreception@universalstone.co.uk Discover more at universalstone.co.uk St James’s Church, Sussex Gardens TRADITIONAL BUILDING CRAFTS AND CONSERVATION CREFTAU ADAILADU TRADDODIADOL A CHADWRAETH TALIESIN CONSERVATION office@taliesin-conservation.com 01443 829553 We are an integrated conservation company based in South Wales, that employs craftspeople and tradespeople with specialist skills who are able to undertake any building project. From minimum intervention repairs to complete integrated conservation, planned alterations and reinstatement following major loss, we bring together the highest standard of traditional building craft skills, supplemented with a considered approach to project management. For more information, please visit our website: www.taliesin-conservation.com Or visit our twitter page: @taliesin-conserv