IHBC Yearbook 2021

R E V I E W A N D A N A L Y S I S 25 Cathedral. While a smaller number of participants was engaged, they were all under 25 and had not participated in the heritage consultation through the online survey and workshops. The data was gathered through a variety of media such as post-it notes, drawings and audio recordings. Two findings which formed a common theme related to the crucial role of the city to build a future where people can fulfil their aspirations. These were the need to consult with young people and act upon providing relevant opportunities to build trusted relationships; and secondly, the need to empower the voices of younger generations to become curious and confident about their city. There was also a passion for high quality, diverse and challenging art, and culture, driven through partnership to bring vibrancy to the city. Both sessions were invaluable, and it provided a younger voice which had been missed through the stakeholder engagement, workshops, and online surveys. Therefore, taking a different approach and utilising a small budget made a big difference in shaping the strategy. This is an approach which will be used again in the city and has been included in our future grant funding programmes. CATHEDRAL QUARTER HERITAGE ACTION ZONE Gloucester City Council was privileged to be awarded £1.9 million from Historic England to capitalise on Westgate’s untapped potential and boost the number of people living, working, and taking pride in the area. Despite its strong historic character, being one of the oldest and bestpreserved areas of Gloucester and the main commercial route linking the cathedral to the rest of the city and a central location, Westgate Street is underperforming. We have developed a brand for the project, which is vibrant and exciting and a separate website, www.cathedralquartergloucester.uk. The Cathedral Quarter Heritage Action Zone is delivered by a partnership and a steering group involving lots of different stakeholder groups. A separate website was seen as a ‘must’ to give the project a digital base, a visually exciting and engaging set of pages, and not just another page on the council’s site as created for the THI. We have also developed Cathedral Quarter social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, again separate to the council’s channels. We now have a set of tools that we can use to promote the project to audiences, to engage them, and to direct them to any consultation or evaluation activities that we might plan as part of the project. It is important to aim these consultation activities and opportunities at the targeted audience as it is not possible to reach different communities and groups using the same method each time. Social media is great for more visual and one-off events. We do not currently have any programmes which track social media impact, but this is something we will consider as our posts and 3d artwork by Joe Hill as part of the Interactive Archaeology event which encouraged visitors to engage with the archaeology of the city and the wider Cathedral Quarter Heritage Action Zone (both photos: 3d Joe and Max) Branding for the project is designed to be vibrant and exciting.