Friday Day School – St George’s Hotel


Morning Session
8.45am Registration opens
9.15am Registration & Networking
9.55am Chair’s Welcome: Richard Spencer Dean IHBC Wales Branch Chair

(The first train from London arrives in Llandudno for Friday’s Day School at 10.06)

Keynote Speech:
Huw Lewis AM, Minister Housing, Regeneration & Heritage, Welsh Government
10.30am Shaping the future: a UK perspective: Judith Cligman, Director of Strategy and Business Development, Heritage Lottery Fund
11.00am Can communities deliver conservation-led regeneration?: Fred Taggart, Director, Prince’s Regeneration Trust 
11.30am The Heritage Skills Agenda: UK perspectives: John Edwards, Senior Building Surveyor English Heritage
12 pm Q&A Session
12.15-1.30pm Lunch
Afternoon session
1.30pm Heritage Asset Transfer: A Growing Opportunity: Dr Nicholas Falk, Director Urbed (Urban and Economic Development)
2.00pm Localism, The Big Society & Heritage: Tony Burton, Director Civic Voice
2.30pm Views from the Wild West: a Welsh perspective: Phil Roach, Head of Projects, Property & Building Conservation Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority
3.00pm Q&A Session
3.30pm-4.00pm Break for afternoon tea
4.00pm A new paradigm for the Built Environment sector: Jim MacDonald, Chief Executive, Architecture & Design Scotland
4.30pm Securing quality of design in challenging times: Rob Cowan, Director Urban Design Skills

Q&A Session

5.15pm Close
5.45pm IHBC AGM (time to be confirmed)
7.30 for 8.00pm Reception drinks
8.00pm Annual Dinner including Gus Astley Awards
Wedgewood Suite, St George’s Hotel
  Gus Astley Awards
Award presentation by David Linford, Linford Group & Annual School Principal Sponsor